terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2013

Here´s to the girls!

       Hey hey! I'm sorry if you're a boy, but this text (I guess my last one, btw...), is dedicated to all the girls in the world who have a low self esteem, or maybe are just feeling depressed 'cause of some dumbass who made her feel alone and unwanted.
       I'm here to give you, beautiful girls, some tips that will boost your confidence! Ready?

       1 - WALK FASTER

Did you know that the way you walk tells much about the way you feel about yourself? People who walk quickly are said to be more confident! Just add a little bit more speed to your walk and you'll look more important but...most of all, YOU'll feel more important, prettier and able to interact easily with others.


I can tell you from personal experience, that the trick is to never be alone. You can be your worst enemy, 'cause you know all your flaws and most of the time focus on them, instead of seeing what's good about you. So, even if the last thing you want is to go out and be surrounded by people, you should force yourself to do it - you will probably ear things that they appreciate in you that you don't even notice...and btw, it has been proven that if you isolate yourself, your brain changes and it gets more difficult to socialize again!


Being able to laugh at your own disgrace is one of the best indicators of self confidence...if you don't seem afraid of making mistakes, people will see you as a positive, confident person, and will want to be around you, 'cause they won't be afraid of you judging them...after all, nobody's perfect!

       And here's my upshot: p
ay attention to every line I've written , 'cause it all comes to this - you gotta love yourself to be able to love others and no one's also going to love you if you don't love yourself! So...here's to the girls (with a big big smile on their faces and a big big smiling spirit)!

XOXO, Oh My Gossip

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